Saturday, December 24, 2011

Everyone Has A Story

I've just finished editing my first romance novella, The Perfect Stranger. My goal for 2012, is to post my books on Amazon to sell. I don't usually write, or predict resolutions for a new year, but this year I did. I have too much to do, and I don't care what it takes, posting my books is my main goal. I have three books sitting on my computer, because I don't know how to format them, for kindle, e nook, and smashwords. What is wrong with me? I wish I could push a button, and poof it's done. I started this blog to talk about my books, but I can't until they're up on Amazon, so you'll have to hear stories about me. Ugh! LOL!

I can't believe it's Christmas tomorrow. It seems like just yesterday, we were bringing in 2011. Wow! Time's flying. I had to sit down my kids, and tell them, I have no money for Christmas. I feel like such a bad mom. I went to the Target for a pack of Under-jams for my youngest child, and tears started rolling down my face, when the woman in front of me, bought three gift cards, for over $400. I had just enough money to buy the Under-jams, which cost $10.06 w/tax. As I drove home, my '94 Dodge Caravan, which I just purchased from a man, started acting up. So not only do I not have any money for my kids, I don't have money to fix our only transportation. Great! Any money I have, is used on bills for the home. My oldest son understands, but my youngest son does not. As a mother, how do you explain to him, why Santa didn't bring any gifts to his house? I'm not looking for people to feel sympathetic for me, because I'm doing the best I can, being a single mother. What I'm trying to do is show people, there's always someone out there who has it, worst then you. I know somewhere out there, someone's story is worst than mine. I am grateful, for my family, to have a roof over my head, and food on the table. Tomorrow I'm going to enjoy every minute, being with my family. I feel Truly blessed. From the bottom of my heart, I want to Wish Everyone a Merry Christmas.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Am I The Only One Who Needs Computer Skills?

Yep, it's close to Christmas, and my kids still think they're getting something. LOL! I had to put boots to asses today.Too crowded! Everywhere I went, it was either crowded, or I had to sit in traffic, because of the Christmas rush. I found myself arguing over a parking space today. This is crazy. What happened to the recession? Am I the only one in it? People are out there shopping hard.

Someone told me, "As much as I talk, and write, I should be tweeting more." What do I say to that, when they're right? Nothing. I'm so ready to post my erotica's on Amazon. But I have to wait, for help, since I don't have a clue, about a computer. That's why I don't tweet that much. I don't even know how to put a hashtag up. I really need to take a computer class, or buy Computer for Dummies. This is sad. I hate for my books, The Perfect Stranger, Deja Vu, and Chocolate Sweets, to be sitting on my computer, because I don't know how to format to HTML. On top of this blog box, it has Edit HTML. If I don't know how to HTML, how will I know, how to Edit HTML. This is very frustrating. If there's anyone out there who knows how to post a book, leave instructions. PLEASE!

Okay, on the X-Factor. I have two out of three contestants, who I predicted would make it. I did not expect Chris Rene, to make it this far. I'm SHOCKED! I'll be happy if either Josh or Melanie win. They both deserve to be in the finale. Both are very talented.

Am I a bad parent, if I encourage my kids to watch, Beyond Scared Straight? They're nothing like those kids, but I'm trying to make a point to them. The choices they make, have consequences.

I just want to say thank you to all the people following me on twitter. I'm proud of each of them. Let's keep writing!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Getting What You Pay For?

I'm tired, but I can finally smile. I just finished editing my first two erotica short stories: Deja Vu, and Chocolate Sweets. I'm so happy, I did this myself. I can't wait to share my stories with the readers. I've already selected my book covers, so the hardest part, is getting it right for kindle, e-nook, and smashwords. I want to make sure, readers are getting what they paid for. I want the best, and know the readers do also. Now I have to start editing my romance novels, The Perfect Stranger, and Mixing Pleasure With Business. I had to beg my kids, to let me finish, editing my books. I think if food doesn't kill me, my kids will. Oh, I lost a few inches, exercising. Trying to bring in the New Year right.

Okay, I've reached another milestone. I have 12 followers on Twitter. Happy to have, and follower each one of them. Thanks for all the great information, and tweets!

News-TOO much of it. My mind is spinning with news. I will say this though, my prayers go out to the Virginia Tech families, who lost love ones today. I couldn't believe this happened again. Sad. Everyone please be safe. Live and Love life, like it's your last day. Peace!