Sunday, June 30, 2013

Ebook For Free

I'm finally over this cold. Still a little congestion in my system, but I feel much better. Why do summer colds last so long? I can't begin to tell you how many boxes of tissues and how much Alka Seltzer I have taken. I hope I don't get another cold for awhile. Nasty. My OCD with cleaning was in high alert.

The final book, Tori's Seduction is now available for sale on Amazon and Allromance. This week I am making Nara's Desire for free on Allromance. Happy 4th of July to all of you. A gift from me to you. LOL. I have started on a romance series. Two books down and hoping to start on the third soon. As I said before my Romance books will be much longer than my Erotica books, but I have no idea when they will be out.

I have started a Facebook account as much as I didn't want to. View my blog and you will find a link to it. I have also started a Pinterest account, which I stay on too much. I'm addicted to this website. A link is up on my blog also for that. I have been making some changes to my blog and I hope you like them.

Last but not least. I watched one episode of South Beach Towing and I am hooked on this show. This show is too funny. I cannot believe people who tow go through that much. Bernice runs that show.  Freaking hilarious.

I have to go and get inspired by the Twitter verse. Be kind to one another and don't ever give up on your dreams. Bye.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Summer Fun

I can't believe I have a cold/flu. Thank you to son number two. Thanks sweetheart. Having a summer cold is the worst and what makes it so bad is it's not even summer yet. This is crazy (cough, sneeze , wipe the nose). The boys have only been out of school a week for summer and look what I get as a start of summer vacation.

The second book Chase's Passion of the Sensation Series is available on Amazon and All Romance. Remember Nara's Desire is the first book to the Series. Hopefully, Tori's Seduction the last book of the Series will be available in another week or so. Fingers crossed. I hope everyone enjoys this series.

I would write more but-yep my temp is up again. Gotta go. Please be kind to one another. Have a fun summer.

P.S. I've made some changes to my website. Check it out! Let me know what you think.