Saturday, May 25, 2013

Where Did My Thirties Go?

Where has the time gone? It's the end of May and I feel like this year has flew by. I'm turning 40 on Wednesday and I'm ready for my 40's. I'm not scared of them like I was when I turned 30. I think I went into a depression when I turned 30. I didn't want to get old. When I was in my 20's I thought going into your 30's made you old, but little did I know. I think I've learned a lot in my 30's and it has prepared me for my 40's. I still have some growing up I need to go through, but I think I'm on the right path for this new milestone.

Nara's Desire is the first book to my Sensation Series and I can't wait to put the other two books up (Chase's Passion-Book 2 and Tori's Seduction-Book 3). I really enjoyed writing these books. When I write, I want the reader to put himself, or herself in the hero, or heroine character of the book. I write hoping the readers will enjoy my books. Yes, my books are short stories, but this is the start for me to introduce my romance books, which will be much longer than the erotica's.

I want to wish everyone a great Memorial weekend, and let's keep Oklahoma in our prayers. Treat everyday as if it's your last.

Happy Birthday Wishes to Marcus and Dylan. I love you both.


Friday, May 10, 2013

Amazon Filtering?

Deja Vu is out and I am getting great reviews for the cover. My covers are bought at
James does great work. My sister told me about him and I have been a fan since then. I have finished a Erotica Series and they are in the process of being edited. The covers were purchased also.

I'm upset with Amazon. It was brought to my attention that Amazon was filtering Erotica books (which is one of the genres I write in). I read a blog post by Selena Kitt regarding this problem. Click the link to read the post   
I decided to see if my books had been ADULT filtered by them and it seems as if my books were. I could not find neither one of my books when I searched. THIS SUCKS! I'm just starting out and now I have to deal with this.Why are we being condemned for something we love to do, that's not hurting anyone? There's a majority of people who love Erotica. Selena Kitt is established, but what happens to those who are just starting out? Those who are trying to get our names and books established to readers? I know what I'm going to do. I'm going to keep on writing, and putting more books on their website until they have no choice, but to accept my work. I'm not giving up!

Friday, May 3, 2013

Chocolate Sweets Available

I'm so happy. My book Chocolate Sweets is on Amazon and Allromance. This book has been edited and I can say I love this story. I am working hard to put out the best books for readers. I want the readers to enjoy the stories I write. This whole process of writing, taking my books down, finding a editor and publishing my book has been a real life changer. I think going through that process has made into a better writer. Nobody is perfect. We all make mistakes, and we all have to learn from our mistakes. I can tell you I've learned a great deal about writing.  I want to thank all of you who are riding this process out with me. We're back on track now.

My next book Deja Vu will be coming out soon.