Sunday, April 1, 2012

An Emotional Rollercoaster

What an exhausting month. March has been (excused my expression) a bitch. So much going on. So many different emotions. My kids are catching hell (This is my payback) LOL. Or maybe theirs. They're on spring break now. Someone pray for me.

Sales have been slow for March. Remember I can't donate until my profits reach $100. So starting April I'm going to be tweeting my heart out about my books. Sorry, but I have to do it. This is my passion.

Finally my muse shows up. Where the hell has she been? The only words written this month, were for my blog. When my muse hit, I rode it out. I wrote over six hundred words for my third erotica untitled. I would've written more, if everyone left me alone. Still waiting on the cover of my second erotica Chocolate Sweets. I've been throwing out hints everyday, but I don't know if my sister is catching on. When it's done for free, I guess I have to practice patience. First I try to find my muse, now I have to practice patience. I'm being tested. Damn, what's next. I never should've asked because he answered. My mother just called. I just found out I lost a love one.

I have to say something about the Travyon Martin tragedy. It's horrible. Any parent would sympathize with this family. I don't care what race, or religion a person is, when it comes to a child being murder, this is unacceptable. Something has to be done. These killings have to stop. We are losing our future generation. I have two sons, they are Travyon Martin. My sons and I are rocking hoodies in memory of this young man.

Tomorrow is not promised. Love one another.

RIP: Mama Deb. I'll miss and embrace this love I have for you.   

1 comment:

  1. I'm very sorry to hear about ur loved one who has recently passed. I hope you're surrounded with support.

    You're right, you did have a tough March - April can only get better (or that may be my blind optimism taking over). I'm always here if you need ideas etc to bounce off with writing wise and any other capacity.

    I'm glad your muse showed up and I can't imagine how you find time to write with what sounds like busy on top of busy right now for you. I hope somehow you can make time for it and get that vital peace and quiet. Maybe the one who looks down on all can play a part there.

    Here in the U.K that incident hasn't got a lot of coverage, but it just shows the state of the world. Love that you and ur little ones are rocking hoodies and creating that awareness.

    Here's to a new month, one of healing, hope, and things falling into place.
