Wednesday, March 7, 2012

What are our outlets for writers block?

I'm back. lol  I've been so busy. You would not believe what I go through on a day to day basis. The reason I don't blog much is because a known writer said, "If you want to be a great writer, stay off twitter and facebook, and write the best stories you can." I think this is very good advice. Like I said before, I'm not much of a blogger, but not being on twitter has been hard. I enjoy interacting with the people I follow. They are so supportive. I appreciate every mention, and retweet they give me. Thank you.

I'm ready to put up my third book, Chocolate Sweets, but I have to wait for the book cover. I'm so impatient. Come on already (I hope my sister does not see this. She's my book designer). I am still donating my profits to, but I can't donate unless my profits reach a hundred dollars on Amazon, so if you don't have any of my books, go out and buy (Please). I will only do this for my first payment. (I'm a single mother, barely making ends meet. Don't judge me)

I've been dealing with writer's block on how to finish my fourth book, the sequel to The Perfect Stranger. Excuse my language, but writer's block sucks ass. How do you deal with it? When does it go away? My mind is on so many things. Will my books already posted sell? Should I tweet about it, or let people find it on their own? I'm so worried about those books, that self doubt has set in, and I don't know how to write about what I'm so passionate about anymore, and those are other stories, I want to tell. Should I have waited to post my books. I come down so hard on myself. We are our own worst critic. I know I should let it go, but I can't forget my mistakes. There's that fear it will happen again. Depression is starting to set in. Ugh!

T.V. Time-I'm now watching the Voice. The talent is amazing. Wondering which team is going to come out strong. I like this better than American Idol. People watch AI for JLo. She gets enough attention already, I am not trying to give her anymore than she already has (And no I'm not hating). I don't watch a lot of reality t.v., but I love competition.

I just want to say, how sorry I am for all those states dealing with tornadoes. My prayers are with them. It just blows me away, how we hear and see what the tornadoes did to the people, but not to many news media's are telling you, how you can get involved to help out. These people live in the same country, as most of us, and I don't see any relief helping. Let's help out our neighbors:

If we were in their position, we would be looking for help.

I would like to say thank you to Rohit Singh Jain. I look forward to reading your blog.

Be good to one another. Tomorrow's not promised.




  1. The first part of this post made me laugh more than once, I like your sense of humour. You may hate me for saying this, but I don't believe in writers block or maybe I have a different association to it... Of course I get times where I'm paused at my laptop thinking how best to say something.

    What is writers block for you?

    I related a lot to this post and feel the same things about my books and work, so don't worry you're def not alone.

    I try and balance twitter and writing etc. I try and ensure my writing is taken care, but also ensure I'm building more followers and spreading the word (although the past couple months, i've been almost non existent on twitter, lol)

    Hope your writing flow begins again soon.

    1. When it comes to writers block, I'm stuck. Nothing comes to me. My words don't flow from me like they should. Trust me, I working this out of my system (Come on Mojo). LOL Appreciate the comment.
