HAPPY NEW YEAR! So excited about a new year. I'm ready to post my books to Amazon. I've bought a book, on formatting. Posting my books is the biggest
decision of my life, but I'm ready. It's do or die time. Time to kick 2012 in gear and handle my business. I
know I can do this, but can see some of my family members not so supportive. There is no faith in their eyes,
but I WILL NOT let them dictate, what I can or cannot do. I'm making this a year, where no one can upset
me, from making my dreams come true. Let's make this a year, where we're all striving for our dreams to
come true. No matter what our dreams may be. I'm claiming 2012 my year!
My followers are fantastic. Please check out my twitter account, and help me support
them, by going to Amazon, and buying their books.